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RAAM 2019 - Thomas Odom Solo Edition
RAAM 2019 Solo
1st American
5th Place Under 50
10 Days 21 hrs 10min

It was quite a journey. The 3070 mile bike race from Oceanside, CA to Annapolis, MD took me through 120 degree deserts, 30 degree 10,000 foot mountains, storms in the Mid-West, and the steep graded Appalachians. Two major issues generally cause the failure of so many competitors-The crew and mechanical issues.

My crew, led by Jesse Turk, could not have been better. They pushed me to the limit while keeping me safe. They were working around the clock to keep me moving efficiently. This is beyond instrumental since the clock never stops! On the crew, my mechanic Zach, had some demands. One of them was the wheels I would be riding.

He wanted to make sure they would be "bullet proof". They needed to be light enough to not hinder me, strong enough to withstand 3070 miles over 10 days of various elements, built with care(not common now days), and they had to be able to be worked on easily. After countless hours of research, Boyd was the obvious choice. The fact that they were locally built and of the highest quality made the decision easy. 28s were ridden the majority of time and the 60s and 90s rolled through the desert and Midwest. The wind factor was no match for these wheels! We had ZERO mechanicals! I say no more!

Thanks Boyd for the support in Race Across America. But, thanks Boyd even more for standing behind the reason we raced. We raced for inclusion and your support of the cause meant everything! See link-https://kyle-pease- foundation-inc.networkforgood. com/projects/50649-raam-2019- a-fight-for-inclusion